Below are some teacher retirement toasts written or adapted by SpecialSpeeches. If you cannot do an original toast, feel free to borrow or adapt any of these. While everyone knows that teachers have a profound impact on succeeding generations, they also have common challenges and special connections with students and fellow teachers. A retiring teacher deserves a celebration!
For all the lessons students really did hear . . .
For the lives you’ve changed throughout the years . . .
Enjoy your retirement secure in the knowledge
That you made a difference in their high school and college.
"To learn and never be filled is wisdom; to teach and never be weary is love."
Thank you for putting your heart and soul into teaching your students.
You had faith in us…even when we did not deserve it.
You’ve changed more lives than you could ever know.
Of all the teachers great and small
We think that you’re the best of all.
To one who knows the joy of learning
You lit the fires that will keep burning.
Fun poem for a retiring teacher…
No more classes
No more books
No more students’ deadpan looks.
No more calls at 10 at night
From Mom who wants the grades made right.
No more meetings after school
With those who will not follow rules.
No more lunchtime duty now
You'll soon have time to eat that chow.
You've said you're ready to retire.
You're at that point we all aspire.
But rest assured we’ll be calling you back
To keep you abreast of the fun and the flak.
Based on the child's rhyme No more pencils, no more books . . . Here is one variation of the original verse..
To a teacher who believed the saying
“A little learning is a dangerous thing”
and made his students learn everything
about the Romans and Greeks* . . .
Your former students salute you.
(*Substitute appropriate topic.)
Your former students wish you well.
The demands you made and the standards you set
Have helped shape us into confident, thoughtful adults.
We may forget the details but we got the main point.
We were not always be prepared, but you always were.
We did not know what path we'd take, but we remember the teacher who opened our eyes.
You were one of those special teachers who is unforgettable.
Thanks for caring and for believing in us.